official site How is possible not to love them?
Do you know that many movies of this great couple has been found and restored?
We hope to have soon all collections in dvds... but shhhhhhhh
don't tell to anybody...just to people who love them...
Even in Poland they love them... Greatest Memorabilia including dvds
LAUREL & HARDY VOL. 1: A Chump At Oxford Plus Related Stories A CHUMP AT OXFORD – restored black-and-white version A CHUMP AT OXFORD – computer-colour version FROM SOUP TO NUTS – restored version ANOTHER FINE MESS – restored black-and-white version ANOTHER FINE MESS – computer-colour version TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 1 - A Chump At Oxford/Related Shorts [1940] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 2: Someone’s Ailing - Classic Shorts COUNTY HOSPITAL – restored black-and-white version COUNTY HOSPITAL – computer-colour version THEM THAR HILLS – restored black-and-white version THEM THAR HILLS – computer-colour version TIT FOR TAT – restored black-and-white version TIT FOR TAT – computer-colour version PERFECT DAY – restored black-and-white version PERFECT DAY – computer-colour version THEY GO BOOM! – restored black-and-white version LEAVE ‘EM LAUGHING – restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 2 - Someone's Ailing/Classic Shorts | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 3: Way Out West plus shorts featuring James Finlayson WAY OUT WEST – restored black-and-white version WAY OUT WEST – computer-colour version ONE GOOD TURN – black-and-white version ONE GOOD TURN – computer-colour version THICKER THAN WATER – restored black-and-white version THICKER THAN WATER – computer-colour version TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 3 - Way Out West/Shorts [1937] | |
LAUREL & HARDY VOL. 4: Ollie and Matrimony - Classic shorts BEAU HUNKS – restored black-and-white version BEAU HUNKS – computer-colour version OUR WIFE – restored black-and-white version OUR WIFE – computer-colour version HELPMATES – restored black-and-white version HELPMATES – computer-colour version ME AND MY PAL – black-and-white version ME AND MY PAL – computer-colour version TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 4 - Ollie and Matrimony/Classic Shorts | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 5: Our Relations and ‘dual roles’ shorts OUR RELATIONS – restored black-and-white version OUR RELATIONS – computer-colour version BRATS – restored black-and-white version BRATS – computer-colour version TWICE TWO – restored black-and-white version TWICE TWO – computer-colour version TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 5 - Our Relations/Dual Roles Shorts [1936] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 6: Murder in the Air - Classic shorts THE LAUREL-HARDY MURDER CASE – restored black-and-white version THE LAUREL-HARDY MURDER CASE – computer-colour version NOCHE DE DUENDES – The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case and Berth Marks combined into a special Spanish-language edition, with Laurel & Hardy speaking their own dialogue BERTH MARKS – restored black-and-white version BERTH MARKS – computer-colour version OLIVER THE EIGHTH – restored black-and-white version OLIVER THE EIGHTH – computer-colour version TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 6 - Murder in the Air/Classic Shorts | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 7: Block-Heads and related shorts BLOCK-HEADS - restored black-and-white version BLOCK-HEADS - computer-colour version UNACCUSTOMED AS WE ARE - restored black-and-white version UNACCUSTOMED AS WE ARE - computer-colour version WITH LOVE AND HISSES - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music SHOULD MARRIED MEN GO HOME? - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 7 - Block Heads/Related Shorts [1938] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 8: Blackmail - Classic shorts CHICKENS COME HOME - restored black-and-white version CHICKENS COME HOME - computer-colour version POLITIQUERIAS – Chickens Come Home in an extended Spanish-language edition, with Laurel & Hardy speaking their own dialogue . With scenes not in the English version. COME CLEAN - restored black-and-white version LOVE ‘EM AND WEEP - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music SUGAR DADDIES - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music EARLY TO BED - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 8 - Blackmail/Classic Shorts | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 9: The Bohemian Girl and related shorts TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 9 - The Bohemian Girl/Related Shorts [1936] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 10: Snow! - Classic shorts LAUGHING GRAVY – restored original 2-reel black-and-white version LAUGHING GRAVY – restored 3-reel black-and-white version LAUGHING GRAVY – 3-reel computer-colour version LES CAROTTIERS – Be Big and the 3-reel Laughing Gravy combined into a special French-language edition, with Laurel & Hardy speaking their own dialogue THE FIXER-UPPERS – restored black-and-white version THE FIXER-UPPERS – computer-colour version SLIPPING WIVES - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 10 - Snow!/Classic Shorts [1931] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 11: Saps at Sea and ‘music’ shorts SAPS AT SEA - restored black-and-white version SAPS AT SEA - computer-colour version YOU’RE DARN TOOTIN’ - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music BELOW ZERO – restored black-and-white version BELOW ZERO – computer-colour version TIEMBLA Y TITUBEA - Below Zero in an extended Spanish-language edition, with Laurel & Hardy speaking their own dialogue TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 11 - Saps At Sea/Music Shorts [1940] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 12: L&H and the Law - Classic shorts SCRAM! - restored black-and-white version SCRAM! - computer-colour version NIGHT OWLS - restored black-and-white version NIGHT OWLS - computer-colour version LADRONES – Night Owls in an extended Spanish-language edition, with Laurel & Hardy speaking their own dialogue THE SECOND HUNDRED YEARS - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music CALL OF THE CUCKOO - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music DUCK SOUP - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music FORTY-FIVE MINUTES FROM HOLLYWOOD - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music BIG BUSINESS - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 12 - L & H and the Law/Classic Shorts | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 13: Sons of the Desert and related shorts SONS OF THE DESERT - restored black-and-white version SONS OF THE DESERT - computer-colour version WE FAW DOWN - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music THEIR PURPLE MOMENT - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music ON THE WRONG TREK - restored black-and-white version TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 13 - Sons of the Desert/Related Shorts [1934] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 14: A Job to Do- Classic shorts BUSY BODIES - restored black-and-white version BUSY BODIES - computer-colour version DOUBLE WHOOPEE - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music HOG WILD - black-and-white version HOG WILD - computer-colour version DIRTY WORK - restored black-and-white version DIRTY WORK - computer-colour version THE FINISHING TOUCH - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music THE MUSIC BOX - restored black-and-white version THE MUSIC BOX - computer-colour version HATS OFF – stills gallery from this LOST L&H silent film TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 14 - A Job To Do/Classic Shorts | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 15: Pack Up Your Troubles - and related ‘Adopt-a-Child’ shorts PACK UP YOUR TROUBLES - restored black-and-white version PACK UP YOUR TROUBLES - computer-colour version THEIR FIRST MISTAKE - restored black-and-white version THEIR FIRST MISTAKE - computer-colour version PUTTING PANTS ON PHILIP - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 15 - Pack Up Your Troubles/Related 'Adopt A Child' Shorts [1932] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 16: Maritime Adventures - Classic shorts THE LIVE GHOST - restored black-and-white version SAILORS, BEWARE! - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TWO TARS - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music MEN O’WAR - restored black-and-white version MEN O’WAR - computer-colour version ANY OLD PORT! - restored black-and-white version WHY GIRLS LOVE SAILORS - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TOWED IN A HOLE - restored black-and-white version TOWED IN A HOLE - computer-colour version TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 16 - Maritime Adventures/Classic Shorts | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 17: Swiss Miss - and ‘Animal’ shorts SWISS MISS - restored black-and-white version SWISS MISS - computer-colour version THE CHIMP - black-and-white version THE CHIMP - computer-colour version FLYING ELEPHANTS - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 17 - Swiss Miss/Animal Shorts [1938] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 18: Married Life – and Anita Garvin BLOTTO – restored black-and-white version BLOTTO – computer-colour version LA VIDA NOCTURNA - Blotto in an extended Spanish-language edition, with Laurel & Hardy speaking their own dialogue BE BIG – restored black-and-white version BE BIG – computer-colour version LOS CALAVERAS – Be Big and Laughing Gravy combined into a feature-length Spanish-language edition, with Laurel & Hardy speaking their own dialogue TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 18 - Married Life/Anita Garvin | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 19: Pardon Us and related shorts PARDON US – restored, extended length black-and-white version PARDON US – extended length computer-colour version THE HOOSE-GOW – restored black-and-white version THE HOOSE-GOW – computer-colour version THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY - black-and-white silent comedy with music TO BUY CLICK Laurel And Hardy - No. 19 - Pardon Us And Related Shorts [1931] | |
LAUREL & HARDY DVD VOL. 20: More Brushes with the Law - Classic shorts GOING BYE-BYE! - restored black-and-white version GOING BYE-BYE! - computer-colour version DO DETECTIVES THINK? - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music HABEAS CORPUS - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music ANGORA LOVE - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music BACON GRABBERS - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music THE MIDNIGHT PATROL - restored black-and-white version THE MIDNIGHT PATROL - computer-colour version LIBERTY - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music WRONG AGAIN - restored black-and-white silent comedy with music TO BUY CLICK Laurel & Hardy Volume 20 - More Brushes With The Law/Classic Shorts | |
Laurel & Hardy DVD VOL. 21: Special Bonus Disc (available only in the box set) BRATS (1930) YOU CAN ONLY OBTAIN THIS BONUS DISC AS PART OF THE BOX SET |
The Special Bonus Disc contains two Laurel & Hardy rarities: the original 1930 version of Brats with the original music score, art-deco style opening titles plus the long-missing introductory gag card (a later, reissue version of this short appears in vol. 5), and a short reel of clips from Hinter Schloss und Riegel, the German phonetic version of Pardon Us (which appears in vol. 19), remade by Laurel & Hardy with the aide of language coaches and prompt boards.
Also included are three related films – two of them featuring Oliver Hardy - which form a ‘sampler’ of other Hal Roach comedies. In Thundering Fleas, Oliver Hardy appears alongside ‘Our Gang’ regulars as a cop whose uniform is suddenly occupied by the energetic refugees from the flea circus – and who has to improvise a semblance of decency after the disappearance of his trousers! Also present are Laurel & Hardy’s future foil James Finlayson and, beneath a large prop moustache, star comic Charley Chase. Fluttering Hearts is a Charley Chase two-reeler with a pre-Laurel & Hardy appearance of Oliver Hardy, and Prudence is a Max Davidson comedy, reportedly written by Stan Laurel (although the official story credit belongs to Hal Roach). To round off this bonus disc is a documentary tribute to Laurel & Hardy, hosted by Dom Deluise with comments from – among others – Johnny Carson, Walter Matthau, Chuck McCann, Steve Allen, Rich Little, Dick Martin, the Smothers Brothers and Henny Youngman.
This set was launched in style with LAUREL AND HARDY WEST END DVD LAUNCH you can see here:
You can have them from
25% off £149.99 Laurel & Hardy - The Collection (21-disc Box Set) [1918]
These are region 2 dvds pal system, for us region 1 dvds they have done these...
Titre Original : Great Guns
Realisateur: Monty Banks
Acteurs: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Sheila Ryan, Dick Nelson, Edmund MacDonald, Charles Trowbridge, Ludwig Stössel, Kane Richmond
available in France Region 2
Anglais : DD2.0mono
Italien : DD2.0mono
Français : DD2.0mono
Oliver Hardy Collection (1926)
1) THE SHOW (1922) Larry Semon - Ollie is a villainous stage manager & Larry is the prop manager. This has the classic Car chasing a train sequence. FIRST TIME FROM 35MM.
2) STICK AROUND (1925) Bobby Ray - Great! For the first time in DVD history we get to see the complete 25 minute film! All other DVDs present a soft, grainy 10 minute cut-down called 'Paperhangers Helper'. Now we get to see this classic Oliver Hardy-Bobby Ray teamed comedy with the horse-drawn delivery wagon battling a hill sequences intact (almost a decade before The Music Box). FIRST TIME FROM 35MM.
3) ALONG CAME AUNTIE (1926) - Ollie is a ridiculous musicial who must pretend to be married to his ex-wife so that she may inherit some diamonds.
4) CRAZY TO ACT (1927) Keystone - I believe this is the first time on DVD for this one. Ollie has little to do in this, he wants to marry an actress but the only way she will agree to it is if he produces a movie with her as the star. This is the weakest of the bunch on this DVD.
5) THE SAW MILL (1921) Larry Semon - Classic Semon comedy with Larry as a Logger and Ollie as the forman, both competing for the boss' daughter. FIRST TIME FROM 35MM.
6) SHOULD SAILORS MARRY? (19250 Clyde Cook - Clyde settles down with his new bride only to find the ex-husband still living at home.
7) HOP TO IT (1925) Bobby Ray - (aka Hop To It, Bellhop) - Another classic teaming of Ollie & Bobbie, this time as bell hops at a busy hotel. FIRST TIME FROM 35MM.
8) 45 MINUTES FROM HOLLYWOOD (1926) A hotel with Oliver Hardy as a detective and Stan Laurel as a cross-dressing thief. Their first apppearances in a Hal Roach Comedy, but individually.
I have lost count how many times I have been asked by USA members and visitors to our site asking for WAY OUT WEST on DVD. Well you wait will be over, as on March 15th 2005, HALLMARK (Lionsgate) are releasing another Laurel and Hardy DVD. It will contain ,Way Out West, Block-Heads and Chickens Come Home. You can pre order it now,just CLICK HERE for details or just add to the amazon cart with the link below:
In 1950, Oliver Hardy made his final solo appearance without his partner, Stan Laurel. Bing Crosby was filming "Riding High", Frank Capra's remake of his own 1934 racetrack story "Broadway Bill". Bing was an old racetrack and golfcourse crony of Babe Hardy's, so when Bing's latest picture called for a perennial loser on the ponies, Babe seemed a natural choice – after all, it was a role Bing saw Babe play often in real life!
The Stan Laurel Collection (Slapstick Symposium) (1925)
Before teaming up with Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel was one of the most important Hollywood comics of his time, competing with the likes of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. Having been Chaplin's understudy and roommate, Laurel spent most of the 1910s avoiding actual demands to become a Chaplin lookalike. It was only in the 1920s that Stan laurel became established enough to capture the attention of producer Hal Roach and compete on equal terms with his mentor. The rare 16 short films (1923-1925) in this all-new DVD were finally restored to their original versions. All shot between 1923 and 1925, these films are a historic proof of Laurel's slapstick genius and a remarkable showcase of the intense work which allowed Lloyd to stand out in a time of great competition among hundreds of hopeful slapstick stars.
From the parodies of popular films from the 1920s ("Roughest Africa". "The Soilers") to the hilarious social satires ("Frozen Hearts", "Short Kilts") or the familial ones ("Mother's Joy", "Yes, Yes, Nanette") and ending with real jewels of silent comedy ("Oranges and Lemons", "Postage Due"), this British-born comedian charms, thanks to his understanding of storytelling and his irresistible humor. These 16 short films are gathered on DVD for the first time thanks to the help of collectors and film archives from around the world.
Roughest Africa(1923):
During an expedition in Africa, Stan is confronted by wild animals for the camera of a documentary filmmaker.
The Soilers(1923):
Canister (Stan Laurel), a mine owner in Alaska, would give his life to get his confiscated goods/property back.
Mother's Joy(1924):
An old man asks a lawyer to find his missing daughter and grand-son who turns out to be a very extravagant young man.
Postage Due(1924):
Willy Worst (Stan Laurel) turns a local post-office upside-down just by trying to send a letter.
The Sleuth(1925):
Stan is a detective who essentially relies on different costumes to successfully complete his investigations.
Yes, Yes, Nanette(1925):
Nanette comes home to introduce her husband to her family. Nanette's ex-fiance (Oliver Hardy) takes advantage of the situation to make a comeback in her life.
And the following titles:
Oranges and Lemons(1923), Frozen Hearts(1923), Near Dublin(1924), Zeb Vs Paprika(1924), Short Kilts(1924), West of Hot Dog(1924), The Snow Hawk(1925), Navy Blue Days(1925), Dr. Pyckle and Mr. Pryde(1925), Half a Man(1925).
The Charley Chase Collection (Slapstick Symposium) (1926)
Bringing a collection of seven 2-reeler comedies from the golden period of this acting/producer legend, the CHARLEY CHASE DVD is a fantastic introduction to the funny and frenetic world of Charley Chase and a rare chance to experience the work of one of the most influential short-film comedians of the late 1920s. The CHALEY CHASE DVD brings the following short films: MUM'S THE WORD (1926), APRIL FOOL (1926), CRAZY LIKE A FOX(1926), LONG FLIB THE KING (1923), MIGHTY LIKE A MOOSE (1926), and ALL WET (1924).
Chase discovered that by starting with a simple predicament that any average person could get into, the public could identify with him. Then, gradually, by building a once plausible situation into a fiascfiasco, he could take them to a riotous conclusion that is unbelievable, yet, somehow conceivable. Carefree, frivolous, wild and woolly, Charley Chase was the "Good Time Charlie" that we all wished we could be. Fortunately, due to film preservation, we still have him.
Hallmark be releasing their first sound L&H DVD's on August 19th. The good news if you place an ADVANCE order now with our BUY DVD link below, you will get 18% OFF .
. This 2-disk DVD set includes "Sons of the Desert," "The Music Box," "Another Fine Mess," "Busy Bodies," "County Hospital" and many special features. $12.28 SRP BUY DVD
NOTE This is may be a REGION ONE release. This is fine for all USA customers.
A 5 DVD boxset released by Passport/Koch Entertainment containing:
Utopia, Flying Dueces, March of the Wooden Soldiers, Be Big/The Lucky Dog
and This is Your Life/Laurel and Hardy at the Movies.
$26.08 BUY DVD
Trevor Dorman from Ireland has just informed me he purchased The Adventures of Robin Hood [1938] on DVD and was pleasantly surprised by the extras it contained. Apart from spotting four co stars that appeared with the Boys in the main movie , the DVD also contained the 'Glorious Technicolor Documentary ' with a colour clip of Laurel and Hardy in 'The Rogue Song' . The DVD has a host of interesting material for the movie buff.
You can buy this DVD direct from amazon buy clicking the correct link below:
BUY The Adventures of Robin Hood (Two-Disc Special Edition) REGION 1 VERSION for USA
BUY The Adventures of Robin Hood [1938] REGION 2 PAL VERSION for BRITAIN /EUROPE.
March of The Wooden Soldiers(Babes in Toyland)
March of The Wooden Soldiers has been released in the USA as the superb colorized version. This DVD certainly scores over the UK release. As extras ,it has a colour Stan Laurel home movie taken in his apartment in Santa Monica circa 1960 plus the Oliver Hardy Interview circa 1950. But, as an added bonus it has the full B/W theatrical trailer. The best thing of all is that it is REGION FREE and it will play on any DVD Player.
List Price: $19.99 (NOW ON OFFER FOR $9.95!!) You Save: $3.00 (15%) BUY DVD
Also REGION FREE is the,'New Adventures of Laurel and Hardy, For Love or Mummy'.
Although released in the USA it will play on all DVD players.
A novelty item...What would the duo be like in todays world...Well this story revolves round the nephews of the real Stan and Ollie (screen characters).Mr. Pinchot does a fine Stan Laurel and Mr. Sardain is so close to Oliver Hardy, that it is almost unbelievable. This film, like every Laurel and Hardy film is not to be taken seriously.
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After seven years of work, THE HAL ROACH STUDIOS have finished their exclusive DVD series of "The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy--The Complete Collection" with the acquisition of the original European 35mm Nitrate negative of WHY GIRLS LOVE SAILORS. This nine disc set now includes every L&H comedy from THE LUCKY DOG (1921) through their first talking comedy, UNACCUSTOMED AS WE ARE, and includes their sixth talkie, THEY GO BOOM! Sixty films on ten discs-- with a few unannounced surprises along the way! . HRS believe HATS OFF is completely lost and, therefore, that single title is, unfortunately, not included in the collection. But, they found everything else and more!
Remember all the DVDS listed below on this page will play in the USA/ ENGLAND/ Any Country! NOTE: Amazons site will say they are REGION 1, but IGNORE this as they ARE Region Zero!
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Vol. 1
Six films featuring the greatest comedy duo in movie history. For many years, the films included here were either unavailable, or available only in shoddy, truncated versions. This collection features the best available prints, mastered from the original 35mm material. On this volume: Big Business (James W. Horne, 1920); Do Detectives Think? (Fred Guiol, 1927), which was the first time the pair was billed as a team; Call of the Cuckoo (Clyde Bruckman, 1927); The Finishing Touch (Clyde Bruckman, 1928); and two rare Stan Laurel solo features, On the Front Page (1926) and Hustling for Health (1919). 124 mins. $26.99
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Vol. 2
Six more hilarious shorts featuring the greatest comedy duo in screen history. Long available only in shoddy, truncated versions, this collection presents these rare films in the best print quality possible, mastered from the original 35mm materials. On this volume: Double Whoopee (Lewis R. Foster, 1929); Early to Bed (Emmet J. Flynn, 1928); Angora Love (Lewis R. Foster, 1929); Sugar Daddies (Fred Guiol, 1927); and two Stan Laurel solo efforts, Roughest Africa (Ralph Cider, 1923) and Oranges and Lemons (1920). 118 mins.$26.99
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Vol. 3
Six more rarely screened silent gems from the greatest comedy duo in movie history, highlighted by two shorts directed by Leo McCarey, who was behind the camera for most of the best films the team made in the silent era: Liberty (1929), in which the boys make an hilariously inept prison break, and We Faw Down (1928), in which Stan and Ollie sneak out for a poker game. In the Hal Roach-directed Love 'Em and Weep (1927), the duo is caught in the middle of a troubled romance. Also included is an early short, A Lucky Dog (Jess Robins, 1922), in which both comics appear, although it was made before they were working as a team. Ollie appears on his own in Along Came Auntie (1926), and backs up Charley Chase in Bromo and Juliet (1926). Each film was mastered from the best available 35mm material. 135 mins. $26.99
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Vol. 4
Six rarely seen films from film comedy's greatest duo. They Go Boom (James Parrott, 1929, 21 mins.) is one of the team's early sound pictures and the print on this disc is mastered from near-perfect 35mm nitrate stock with sound remastered from the original Vitaphone soundtrack discs. Their Purple Moment (James Parrott, 1928, 21 mins.) is an offering of superior slapstick, with the boys stuck in a nightclub without any money. Bacon Grabbers (Lewis R. Foster, 1929, 20 mins.) was the team's next-to-last silent film, although it was held back from release until music and sound effects were added. Should Sailors Marry? (Jess Robbins/James Parrott, 1925, 22 mins.) was actually a vehicle for vaudeville comedian Clyde Cook and Oliver Hardy has a supporting role. This rare film was digitally mastered from a safety fine grain made from the original nitrate camera negative. Unaccustomed As We Are (Lewis R. Foster/Hal Roach, 1929, 19 mins.) is the silent version of an L&H comedy that was released as both a sound and silent picture. Finally, On the Wrong Trek (Charley Chase/Harold Law, 1936, 20 mins.) is a late comedy short from Charley Chase, one of his last for Hal Roach. It features a guest appearance by Laurel and Hardy. The film has been digitally transferred from the original nitrate camera negative. 120 mins. $26.99
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Vol. 5
More vintage comedy shorts from the film world's most hilarious duo. Each film is presented in the best quality prints available and some are true rarities. Wrong Again (Leo McCarey, 1929, 20 mins.) is a silent gem with non-synchronous music and sound effects, in which the boys confuse a race horse for a famous painting. Habeas Corpus (James Parrott, 1929, 20 mins.), about the duo getting caught up in a grave-robbing scheme, is accompanied by its long-lost Vitaphone music track. Duck Soup (Fred Guiol, 1927, 20 mins.), is counted by some historians as the first "true" Laurel & Hardy film--in which they were both top billed and began perfecting their comic personas. Fluttering Hearts (Hal Roach, 1927, 22 mins.) is a Charley Chase comedy with Oliver Hardy in a supporting role. Leave 'Em Laughing (Clyde Bruckman, 1928, 22 mins.) features the team turning Stan's simple tooth-ache into a slapstick circus. The original color tints have been restored to the first reel of this short. Finally, Short Kilts (George Jeske, 1924, 21 mins.) showcases Stan on his own, in a laugh-fest about feuding Scottish families. It is restored from a fine-grain print taken from the original nitrate camera negative. 124 mins. $26.99
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Vol. 6
The boys are back in six more rarely screened silent comedy shorts, restored from the best film materials available. Ollie stands to inherit a fortune in That's My Wife (Lloyd French, 1929), written by Leo McCarey. The duo stumble through the Stone Age in Flying Elephants (Frank Butler/Hal Roach, 1927). Then, a trip to the tailor is in store for Stan in Putting Pants on Philip (Clyde Bruckman, 1928). 45 Minutes from Hollywood (Fred Guiol, 1926) is a Hal Roach Studios "behind-the-scenes" look at the glamorous movie world, in which L&H make brief appearances. Crazy Like a Fox (Leo McCarey, 1926) is a Charley Chase short, with Oliver Hardy in support. Finally, The Soilers (1923) is a very rare short from Stan Laurel's days as a single act. 122 mins. $26.99
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Vol. 7
Mastered from the original 35mm materials, this seventh volume of rare and overlooked Laurel & Hardy shorts includes the sound versions of Unaccustomed As We Are (Lewis R. Foster/Hal Roach, 1929) and Double Whoopee (Lewis R. Foster, 1929). The silent versions of both shorts were included on previous volumes in this series. Another sound film, Mixed Nuts (James Parrott, 1934), is also included, along with three vintage silent shorts featuring the boys at their best: Should Married Men Go Home? (James Parrott, 1928), Sailors Beware (Hal Yates, 1927), and With Love and Hisses (Fred Guiol, 1927). 127 mins. $26.99
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Vol. 8
This collection of vintage Laurel & Hardy comedies features four hilarious shorts with the boys as a team, as well as two rare Stan Laurel solo films. Laugh with L&H in Two Tars (James Parrott, 1928), The Second 100 Years (Fred Guiol, 1927), Slipping Wives (Fred Guiol, 1926) and From Soup to Nuts (Edgar Kennedy, 1928), directed by the famed character actor (known as the master of the "slow burn") who made such a memorable adversary for Stan and Ollie. Then, it's Stan on his own in Scorching Sands (Hal Roach, 1923) and the color-tinted Should Tall Men Marry? (Clyde Bruckman, 1927). All films mastered from the original 35mm materials. 129 mins. $26.99
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Vol. 9
More historic film comedy featuring the legendary duo. This collection includes the delightfully daffy pair in You're Darn Tootin' (1928, directed by that great comic heavy, Edgar Kennedy), the English and French versions of Why Girls Love Sailors (Fred Guiol, 1927), and two different cuts of Battle of the Century (Clyde Bruckman, 1927). Ollie appears on his own, with his partner behind the camera, in Wandering Papas (Stan Laurel, 1927), and makes an appearance in the "Our Gang" short Thundering Fleas (Robert F. McGowan, 1926). Finally, Mum's the Word (Leo McCarey, 1926), a vintage Charley Chase short, rounds out the set. All films mastered from the best 35mm materials available. 132 mins.Our Price: $26.99
- The Laurel & Hardy Magazine
- The Laurel and Hardy Magazine on line contains rare audio material, new discoverys, features, memorabilia sales, places to visit,Film Fairs from around
URL: - The Intra Tent Journal Online
- Published by SONS OF THE DESERT, the International Laurel and Hardy Appreciation Society.
URL: - Laurel & Hardy FAQ!
- THE LAUREL & HARDY FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS LIST. Organized by Stephen Harrison at Version 0.2 (Interim & Incomplete) POSTED..
- Laurel & Hardy
- Laurel & Hardy. Stan Without Ollie, Vol. 1 Before there ever was a Laurel and Hardy, the thin one made several silent, gag-filled comedy shorts. Stan's...
- 5. Laurel & Hardy Filmography!
- THE MOVIES OF LAUREL AND HARDY. Compiled by Steve Griffiths ( YEAR FILMED TITLE NOTES/COMMENTS 1919 The Lucky Dog The First! 1926 45...
- A Tribute to Laurel & Hardy
- URL:
- Die Laurel & Hardy Picture-CD
- Homepage der Laurel & Hardy Picture-CD von Christian Behr
- Laurel & Hardy Video Availibility
- Laurel & Hardy Video Availibility. This page is no longer a part of the site. The availability of Laurel & Hardy videos has really evaporated. With the...
- Toon Tracker's Laurel & Hardy/Abbott & Costello Cartoons Page
- Toon Tracker presents 'Laurel & Hardy/Abbott & Costello Cartoons', a look at some of the rarely seen cartoons from Hanna-Barbera Productions.
- Laurel & Hardy Impersonators
- Laurel & Hardy Page
- This page is designed to be viewed by a browser which supports Netscape's Frames extension. This text will be shown by browsers which do not support the...
- A Laurel & Hardy Fan page -
- URL:
- Laurel & Hardy
- Member Of LinkExchange. WELCOME TO THE LAUREL AND HARDY PAGE. Here are some Laurel and Hardy Links:LAUREL and HARDY on VHSMOVIE BITSA Tribute to Laurel...
- Laurel & Hardy Filmography
- Laurel and Hardy on tape alone and together!
- Laurel & Hardy
- Laurel & Hardy They do not look better in real life.
- Laurel & Hardy Home Page
- Welcome to Sunbay Entertainment,Inc. Interested in Laurel & Hardy? Items For Sale - Jackets | Sweatshirts | T-Shirts | Hats/Caps | Lapel Pins. CALL NOW!...
- Comedians - WC Fields, Charley Chaplin, Marx Brothers, Laurel & Hardy
- Proud Member of BannerSwap. Marx Bros, Chaplin, W.C. Fields, Laurel & Hardy ect. All pictures just $4.00 each. To use our shopping cart, simply choose the.
- "The End of the Line" - Laurel & Hardy
- The End of the Line. Looking For the Boys. by Rip Rense. Every now and then I go out to look for Laurel and Hardy. I visit those cement Silverlake steps...
- Another Fine Laurel & Hardy Magazine
- The Laurel and Hardy Magazine contains rare photo's, news, Downloads, memorabilia sales and events from around the World. If you like Laurel and Hardy
- Laurel & Hardy - Horn Testers Journal
- Saps at Sea Tent Oasis #30 San Diego, CA. Page Contents: New Members. Map. E-Mail. Site Navigation: Home. Gazette. General Store. Town Hall. Telegraph....
- CMA Laurel & Hardy Collector Cards
- Premier Limited Edition. The first of a Unique Series of Card Collectibles - Celebrating the 70th ANNIVERSARY of the. WORLDS GREATEST COMEDY DUO. 90 CARD..
- Laurel & Hardy Painter's Helpers
- Laurel & Hardy. Painter's Helpers. Spec Sheet. #3 in the Exclusive Premiere Character Collectibles Series. Licensed Character Figures: Stan Laurel -- PVC..
- Laurel & Hardy - photos
- Laurel & Hardy. back.
- Laurel & Hardy
- Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy / O gordo e o magro. Tribute to the boys / Um tributo a dupla. Pictures and sounds. In portuguese and english.
- Laurel & Hardy Comedies
- Laurel & Hardy Comedies. Bonn, Brotfabrik. Fr. 23.00.
- Laurel & Hardy Autographs by Walls of Fame
- Laurel & Hardy autographed photo by Walls of Fame - Autographs and Memorabilia in New Jersey, backed by 30 years of experience.
- Laurel & Hardy!
- Thank you for taking the time to drop in my Laurel & Hardy web site. Unfortunately, you are a bit too late. It has been a fun three years maintaining it,..
- Unterhaltung - Laurel & Hardy : Zwei ritten nach Texas
- Unterhaltung - Laurel & Hardy. Zwei ritten nach Texas. Video / Viedeofim / Film / Laurel und Hardy kommen nach Brushwood Gulch im Wilden Westen, um der...
- dove troverete tra le tante cose interessanti
- anche l'intervista di Giorgio Ariani, la voce di Hardy dopo il grande Alberto Sordi.
This is a list of all the related sites, that we know of. If you find any of them to be inaccurate, or if you would like to add a link, please e-mail us.
Additional Way Out West Tent Websites
Sons of the Desert Tents with Websites
Other Laurel & Hardy Sites
Related Sites
Additional Way Out West Tent Websites- Babes in Toyland Feature Film Site
- Sons of the Desert Feature Film Site
- Way Out West Feature Film Site
- Mae Busch - Eternally Ever Popular
- James Finlayson - Mr. Double Take
- Edgar Kennedy - Master of the Slow Burn
Sons of the Desert Tents with Websites
- Founding Tent (Oasis #1 - New York)
- Dancing Cuckoos Tent (Oasis #2 - Michigan)
- Way Out West Tent (Oasis #5 - Southern California)
- Boston Brats Tent (Oasis #7 - Massachusetts)
- Night Owls Tent (Oasis #11 - Connecticut )
- Perfect Day Tent (Oasis #13 - Netherlands)
- Two Tars Tent (Oasis #14 - Pennsylvania)
- Another Fine Mess Tent (Oasis #19 - Canada)
- Bonnie Scotland Tent (Oasis #21 - Scotland)
- Call of the Cuckoos Tent (Oasis #22 - Northern California)
- Helpmates Tent (Oasis #25 - England)
- Be Big Tent (Oasis #26 - England)
- Saps at Sea Tent (Oasis #30 - Southern California)
- County Hospital Tent (Oasis #36 - England)
- Perfect Day Tent (Oasis #42 - Ohio)
- Babes in Toyland Tent (Oasis #44 - Missouri)
- Laughing Gravy Tent (Oasis #47 - England)
- Going Bye-Bye Tent (Oasis #56 - Florida)
- Midnight Patrol Tent (Oasis #57 - Northern California)
- Boobs in the Woods Tent (Oasis #59 - Florida)
- Two Tars Tent (Oasis #63 - Germany)
- Men O' War Tent (Oasis #70 - England)
- 45 Minutes From Hollywood Tent (Oasis #73 - Southern California)
- Them Thar Hills Tent (Oasis #81 - Northern California)
- Another Fine Mess Tent (Oasis #85 - New Jersey)
- Block-Heads Tent (Oasis #103 - Scotland)
- Bacon Grabbers Tent (Oasis #113 - England)
- Their Purple Moment Tent (Oasis #115 - Scotland)
- Hats Off Tent (Oasis #119 - England)
- Jitterbugs Tent (Oasis #124 - Netherlands)
- Babes in Toyland Tent (Oasis #127 - Florida)
- Busy Bodies Tent (Oasis #128 - England)
- A-Haunting We Will Go Tent (Oasis #154 - Ohio)
- One Good Turn Tent (Oasis #156 - Connecticut )
- Chump at Oxford Tent (Oasis #165 - Italy)
- Call of the Cuckoos Tent (Oasis #166 - Scotland)
- Laughing Gravy Tent (Oasis #167 - England)
- Live Ghost Tent (Oasis #179 - England)
- Music Box Tent (Oasis #187 - Arizona)
- Our Relations Tent (Oasis #191 - Scotland)
- Early to Bed Tent (Oasis # 193 - England)
- That's My Wife Tent (Oasis #199 - Germany)
- Saps at Sea Tent (Oasis #207 - England)
- Midnight Patrol Tent (Oasis #209 - England)
- Leave 'Em Laughing Tent (Oasis #211 - Connecticut )
- Jitterbugs Tent (Oasis #220 - Ireland)
- Be Big Tent (Oasis #225 - Tennessee)
- County Hospital Tent (Oasis #235 - Germany)
- Berthmarks Tent (Oasis #238 - Georgia)
- Early to Bed Tent (Oasis #239 - Southern California)
- Any Old Port Tent (Oasis #249 - Florida)
- Fra Diavolo Tent (Oasis #250 - Scotland)
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